The Good Years
Jun 17, 2024


Kinostartpremiere am 14.Juni 2024, 20.00, Stadtkino Wien

Nächster Spieltermin am So., 16.Juni 2024 im Stadtkino

Weitere Termine / Spielorte:

Stadtkino Wien: ab 14.6.24

Votivkino Wien: ab 21.6.24

KIZ RoyalKino Graz: 15.6.24

Cinema Paradiso Baden: 18.6.24

Moviemento Linz: 19.6.24, 18.00

Localbühne Freistadt: 19.6.24, 20.00

Cinematograph Innsbruck: 20.6.24

Filmstudio Villach: 17.-20.6.24

Volkskino Klagenfurt: Juli 2024

Alle weiteren Termine werden laufend auf dieser Seite aktualisiert!

Jun 16, 2024
Das war unsere Kinopremiere - Stadtkino Wien
May 12, 2024
Home story about our protagonists in the "Kronen Zeitung"

I enjoy every day I have with my mum

Well, well. The "Kronenzeitung" newspaper took our film as an opportunity to write a wonderful story about Michael and Christine Appelt, our two main protagonists. Many thanks to Martina Prewein!

May 8, 2024
KINOSTART - 14.Juni 2024

We are pleased to announce the cinema release for Austria!

The premiere will take place at the Stadtkino/ Künstlerhaus in Vienna.
Afterwards, further stops are planned in all provincial capitals.

Tickets for the premiere are available here

The other dates will be announced shortly.


Apr 22, 2024
ORF interview with director Reiner Riedler

Susanne Sonntag from ORF Upper Austria conducted an interview with director Reiner Riedler. 

Link to ORF report

Apr 21, 2024
The Good Years on ORF Topos

Huge thank you to ORF for the wonderful coverage of the Diagonale!

Go to ORF Topos Website


Apr 6, 2024
Austrian Premiere at Diagonale 2024

The Austrian premiere at the Diagonale 2024 in Graz was fantastic. We were able to present our film to the public for the first time in the sold-out Schubertkino cinema. Everyone was there. The reactions were overwhelming. Thank you all for being there. Thanks to the team and the organisers!

In the picture Christine and Michael Appelt.

Photos © Clemens Kneringer

Apr 2, 2024

"The Good Years" is now available on the VdR – Film Market

Click here for the Vision du Reél Website 

Mar 21, 2024
The Good Years - Austria Premiere at the Diagonale in Graz

We are overjoyed to announce that The Good Years will celebrate its Austrian premiere at the Diagonale in Graz. The whole team will be there. We look forward to seeing you there!

Festival des österreichischen Films
4.–9. April 2024, Graz

Sa., 6.4.2024, 14.30 - Premiere
Mo., 8.4.2024, 17.00

Get your ticket here

Feb 21, 2024
Jet Lag All Stars Radio Show/ OE1

Michael and Christine Appelt on the "Jet Lag All Stars Radio Show"

Live on 1 April 2024, 22:05

"The Good Years" is a documentary film by Reiner Riedler about the extraordinary relationship between a man and his mother, who has been diagnosed with the onset of dementia. The film shows the life of photographer Michael Appelt. In his early 50s, he moves back into his childhood bedroom to support his mother, who lives alone, in her everyday life. A film of the tender, understanding rapprochement between mother and son. A relationship develops between the two, which becomes a life partnership and harbours a new, powerful force," says Reiner Riedler about his first documentary film.

In a central part of the film, Appelt can be seen talking about these experiences and his severe depression in a "Jet Lag All Stars Radio Show". Now, to mark the imminent premiere of "The Good Years" at the Diagonale, we have once again invited Appelt into the studio - this time together with his mother Christl. A radio experiment: without a presenter, the two sit opposite each other in the studio of the "Jet Lag All Stars Radio Show". Christl Appelt's favourite music provides the starting point for memories and reflections.

Translated with (free version)

Rainer Elstner
Jet Lag All Stars Radio Show
Length: 114:40 min

Go to website